Sorry, I checked out for 3 weeks!!! I need to change the title of the blog if I'm not going to keep it up to date, huh? Weeeelll, what's been goin' on... Jeff was gone for 3 1/2 days and 3 nights. Interestingly enough, Harrison had his hardest, most fussy days ever those same exact days!!! Poor guy was cutting 3 molars and 3 insizors at the same time. He's doing muuuuuch better now, and so am I. Lots of good, busy days, but for whatever reason, I just haven't had anything to write when I thought of sitting down to do it.
I'm almost 11 weeks along now. I'm at my most emotional stage (9-12 weeks last time and right on schedule this time), which poses a challenge, but a great opportunity to practice patience and self-control. I can't say this last week and a half has been without its failures in those areas. But God and I are working on it together. He's so patient with ME, and thankfully, so is my husband, which helps me handle myself not being myself so much better! Harrison is as cute and precious as ever, but definitely exerting his will and making it known through loud, high pitched noises when his way is not chosen. Parenting is evolving to a new stage as well, as a result, and that is sometimes very exhausting emotionally! : ) But I praise the Lord for Harrison's very tender heart that makes correction relatively quick and simple. He always wants a hug, sweet boy.
We're in baby season on the ranch right now-two healthy colts, 3 lambs with some serious complications and plenty of healthy ones too, as well as some adorable calves. And to top it off, Darin and Jody, our terrific neighbors who manage the ranch, have puppies!! The colts and 3 lambs all came in a matter of two nights. Jody and Darin got to see the 2nd colt be born! Very fun! But, the story on the lambs is bitter-sweet. Jody was up feeding them at night for a few nights. Two of them (twins) had major neurological issues and the vet said they wouldn't make it - one died and the other had to be put down. But the third baby, who was basically bent in half with her back legs beside her, has straightened out almost completely and after just two days is running around behind us, happy and healthy and absolutely adorable! Jody parted for last night with her newborn, and let me do the feeding so she could get some much needed sleep. I love baby animals, so it was fun. It was so cute to watch her follow Harrison around the yard this morning. She follows us just like she would her mommy. I think she liked his height. : ) We went for a walk yesterday with our kiddos each in strollers and Jody's two dogs in tow, and along for the ride in the bottom of Jody's stroller came our little lamb. I'm eating up this spring weather, as I'm sure everyone is. I've been so grateful for walks with Jody. It's a great outlet for good talks and much needed exercise.
I have pictures I really want to post, but I'm out of time. I'll get them on as soon as I can though. (By the way, I wrote this on Feb. 29th, but didn't get to post it until now... : )